
new dogwood Learn more about new dogwood

  • The latest dogwood seed prices and planting methods

    The latest dogwood seed prices and planting methods

    Cornel is also called dogwood pulp, Tianmu seed, fruit jujube, etc. It is a deciduous tree or shrub belonging to dogwood family. After ripe and dried fruit is pitted, it is a precious medicinal material sweet potato pulp. It has the functions of nourishing liver and kidney, strengthening kidney and astringent essence. It is suitable for waist and knee acid caused by liver and kidney deficiency.

    2020-11-10 most new dogwood seed price and planting method
  • The latest dogwood cultivation techniques tutorial

    The latest dogwood cultivation techniques tutorial

    Dogwood alias jujube, dogwood meat, jujube skin. Cornus is a dogwood family plants. It is mainly produced in Zhejiang. Distribution in Anhui, Shaanxi, Henan, Shandong, Sichuan and other provinces. Funiu Mountain, Tianrishan Mountain and Qinling Mountains are concentrated. Vertical distribution range 250~1300 m,

    2020-11-10 most new dogwood dogwood cultivation techniques methods tutorials other
  • Key Techniques for Good Cultivation of Cornus officinalis

    Key Techniques for Good Cultivation of Cornus officinalis

    Cornus officinalis also known as dogwood pulp, jujube, dogwood pulp, jujube skin, jujube, antibacterial sterilization, calm the wind, nourishing liver and kidney, inhibit the spread of cancer cells, especially after modern medical research shows that Cornus officinalis has anti-AIDS virus new functions, market demand

    2020-11-08 planting good dogwood dogwood key technique other famous mountain dogwood flesh
  • What are the planting methods of Evodia rutaecarpa? What is the difference between Cornus officinalis and dogwood? How can poisoning be saved?

    What are the planting methods of Evodia rutaecarpa? What is the difference between Cornus officinalis and dogwood? How can poisoning be saved?

    Evodia rutaecarpa belongs to Rutaceae, and the nearly mature fruits of Evodia rutaecarpa and its varieties are commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. There is a long history of planting in China. So do you know the planting methods of Evodia rutaecarpa? What is the difference between Cornus officinalis and dogwood? How can poisoning be saved? Planting method of Evodia rutaecarpa

  • Cultivation techniques of Cornus officinalis

    Cultivation techniques of Cornus officinalis

    Cornus officinalis alias jujube, cornus meat, jujube skin. It belongs to the genus Cornus of Cornaceae. Mainly produced in Zhejiang. Distributed in Anhui, Shaanxi, Henan, Shandong, Sichuan and other provinces. The distribution of Funiu Mountain, Tianri Mountain and Qinling Mountains is more concentrated. Vertical distribution range from 250m to 1300m

    2020-11-08 Planting mountain dogwood cultivation techniques mountain other famous medicine jujube
  • Vegetative Propagation of Cornus officinalis

    Vegetative Propagation of Cornus officinalis

    The seedlings of Cornus officinalis can only blossom and bear fruit after 6 years of afforestation, while the good characters of the mother plant can be maintained by using vegetative propagation seedlings, which can blossom and bear fruit in 4 years. The common vegetative propagation methods are cutting, grafting and striping. 1. The general choice of cutting propagation is from April to April.

    2020-11-08 Plant mountain dogwood it nutrition breeding mountain seed seedling
  • How to propagate Cornus officinalis seedlings

    How to propagate Cornus officinalis seedlings

    Cornus officinalis is a famous medicinal tree species in China, its pericarp contains a variety of amino acids, trace elements and vitamins, which has the function of warming and tonifying the liver and kidney, consolidating essence and absorbing sweat. In addition, Cornus officinalis has bright yellow flowers in early spring, green leaves in summer, red fruits in autumn and branches in winter.

    2020-11-08 How breeding mountain dogwood seedling mountain yes our country famous
  • The economy under the forest is on the run.

    The economy under the forest is on the run.

    The economy under the forest is on the run.

  • The efficacy and function of peach kernel

    The efficacy and function of peach kernel

    The efficacy and function of peach kernel

  • Records of orchids in the pre-Qin Dynasty

    Records of orchids in the pre-Qin Dynasty

    What is published here is the pre-Qin literature collected by the author during the textual research on what kind of plant Quran is, which is recorded here for researchers' reference. This collection is also hard, and sometimes you can't finish a book in a month. However, there is no firsthand information, and it is true to assert what the Quran is based on the documents copied back and forth.

  • Why do humans shake M collectively?

    Why do humans shake M collectively?

    Chili-for a native of Chongqing (I was born in Sichuan Province), it seems like a label engraved in the gene. Introduce your hometown to international friends, and most of them will be confused when they hear the words Chongqing or Sichuan.

  • How to raise jade finches

    How to raise jade finches

    Fertilizing jade finches in different periods, the types of fertilization will be different, for example, before planting, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizer and add an appropriate amount of compound fertilizer as base fertilizer; during the vegetative growth period, nitrogen fertilizer is needed, and the plant grows rapidly at this time. Timely supplement of nutrition can make the leaves large and thick green; timely supplement of phosphate and potash fertilizer

  • A complete collection of fengshui plants

    A complete collection of fengshui plants

    Others tell me about science, but I believe in fengshui, and I believe in fengshui. Alibaba set up seven branches out of fengshui considerations. Ma Yunqi, the wind is scattered, the boundary water is to stop the ancients to gather together, so that there is a saying.

  • Key points of maintenance and management of mallow

    Key points of maintenance and management of mallow

    Malvaceae is a dicotyledonous plant of Malvaceae, which is the birthday flower on July 3. Because mallow has a certain ornamental value and medicinal value, it is now often planted in the courtyard. To maintain it, we need to pay attention to the following five points in order to make it bloom beautifully.

  • Key points of maintenance and management of Platycodon grandiflorum

    Key points of maintenance and management of Platycodon grandiflorum

    Platycodon grandiflorum flowers are rarely cultivated at home, because Platycodon grandiflorum has high medicinal value, so many flower growers will cultivate Platycodon grandiflorum on a large scale for medicinal purposes, and Platycodon grandiflorum can be eaten. However, Platycodon grandiflorum is a highly cyclical plant, so the price of Platycodon grandiflorum fluctuates greatly.

  • Matters needing attention in daily maintenance of hundred-day grass

    Matters needing attention in daily maintenance of hundred-day grass

    The growth of zinnia is strong, and the difficulty of artificial cultivation is not high, so it is suitable to grow in fertile and deep soil. The hundred-day grassland is produced in Mexico and is widely cultivated in all parts of our country. It is a very famous horticultural flower variety, so how can we raise a healthy and beautiful hundred-day grass?

  • Key points of daily maintenance of water lilies

    Key points of daily maintenance of water lilies

    Water lilies have a lot of flowers and colors, and they are also a very familiar plant that integrates flowers and leaves. Because water lilies are aquatic plants, if you want to grow them at home, you need to create a suitable aquatic environment for water lilies. The editor will introduce to you the key points of water lily maintenance.

  • How to cultivate delphinium, cultivation methods and precautions of delphinium/sufficient light

    How to cultivate delphinium, cultivation methods and precautions of delphinium/sufficient light

    Delphinium is a kind of ornamental flower plant, in our country it is also a lot of people, but when it needs to pay attention to a lot of places, about how to raise delphinium? What are the breeding methods and precautions of delphinium? The following small series takes everyone to understand

  • How do you grow chrysanthemum? Growth characteristics and key points of maintenance and management of chrysanthemum

    How do you grow chrysanthemum? Growth characteristics and key points of maintenance and management of chrysanthemum

    Cuiju is a common flower in our life, which is divided into short, medium and high types. Cuiju with various flower types has the characteristics of rich flower color, long flowering period, good ornamental effect and so on.

  • Appreciation of bonsai pictures of primrose

    Appreciation of bonsai pictures of primrose

    Origin distribution: Hebei, Shaanxi, Shandong, Guizhou, Hubei, Sichuan, etc., because the branches of summer flowers droop naturally, and the roots have characteristics, so bonsai is very popular.
